Let us continue to support our very own Idol, Jovit Baldivino. Find time to listen some of his best songs. NEWS UPDATE: The Grand ChampionFaithfully

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Millions of Filipinos use Yahoo! Philippines to find news, stories, and information that stimulate their interest. This search engine server included Jovit Baldivino as their top individuals last 2010 in the field of video hit category.

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After few months of his win, all his dreams had been achieved and even his supporters who believed his amazing talent supported his first major concert at the Aliw Theater in Pasay City last November 13, 2010. Many people commented that his major concert gave him an ultimate break in the Philippine music industry.

Jovit Baldivino Please Forgive Me

Our idol, Jovit Baldivino, gives another rendition that touches the heart of all his fans and supporters. His song PLEASE FORGIVE ME is his fans' favorite number during his regular Sunday show at the ASAP.

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